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Week of 12/5-12/9


- Bell Assignment: How do you feel about the verdict of the trial? Was it what you expected? Why did it come out as it did?

- Quiz over chapters 13-18

- Questions for chapters 13-18 due 

- Read chapters 23-25


- No bell assignment

- Read chapters 26-28


- Bell Assignment: Start a story or poem that includes the following words: preserve, orphan, whisper, benefit

- Read chapters 29-31 in class! The end of the novel


- No bell assignment



Week of 11/28-12/2


- No Bell assignment
- Talk about schedule for TKAM
- Questions for chapters 1-6 will be due tomorrow before the chapter 1-6 quiz
-  Today: read chapters 7-9. Questions for chapter 7-9 are here, 10-12 here. Questions due Thursday! Quiz over 7-12 Thursday!

To Kill A Mockingbird full text


- No bell assignment

- Questions for chapters 1-6 due today!

- Quiz over chapters 1-6

- Read chapters 10-12


- Bell Assignment: What type of insult would most provoke you? One about your dress or appearance? One about your character or actions? One about a friend or family member? One about a hero or belief? Explain your reasons.

- Read chapters 13-15

- Questions for chapters 13-15 are here, 16-18 here. Due Monday!

- Quiz over chapters 7-12 tomorrow! Questions for 7-12 due tomorrow as well!


- No bell assignment

- Questions for chapters 7-12 due today!

- Quiz over chapters 7-12

- Watch clips from TKAM movie: first 10 minutes to see characters and Maycomb, and the scene of Atticus in front of the jailhouse

- Read chapters 16-18


- Bell Assignment: Free Write Friday

- Read chapter 19-22: read aloud in class 

- Quiz over chapters 13-18

Week of 11/21-11/25


- No Bell assignment
- Collect any remaining discussion make-up paragraphs
- Read chapter 3 as a class - questions due Tuesday after break
- Homework: Read chapters 4-6 (about 30 pages) and complete questions for 4-6 (also due Tuesday). There will be a quiz on Tuesday, November 29 over chapters 1-6.

To Kill A Mockingbird full text

Parent/Teacher Conferences - 5:30-8:30


- No school - Parent/Teacher Conferences 1:00-7:30


- No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences 8:00-12:00


- No school - Happy Thanksgiving!


- No School 


Week of 11/14-11/18


- Bell Assignment:

Today's Quote: "If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday." - Pearl Buck

What does the quote mean? Do you agree? Why or why not?

- Complete page 1 of the anticipation guide for To Kill a Mockingbird

- Begin the Scottsboro Boys documentary - Scottsboro: An American Tragedy

- Questions for documentary are here


- No bell assignment

- Continue the Scottsboro documentary - will finish tomorrow and begin graded whole-class discussion

- Questions will be due Thursday!


- Bell Assignment: Continue the story starter:
“It was a warm, November day, and I was in my English class when they came for me...”

- Finish Scottsboro: An American Tragedy

Begin a graded whole-class discussion over the Scottsboro documentary and the TKAM anticipation guide

- 4 total contributions expected from today and tomorrow (5 for 1st hour)

- Discussion make-up policy: You can write 1 well-developed paragraph over one of the discussion topics for each contribution you missed. Make-up paragraphs are due Friday! (Can only make-up 3 of the 4, or 4 of the 5)


- No Bell Assignment

- Finish graded whole-class discussion

1. 4 total contributions expected from today and tomorrow (5 for 1st hour)

2. Discussion make-up policy: You can write 1 well-developed paragraph over one of the discussion topics for each contribution you missed. Make-up paragraphs are due Friday! (Can only make-up 3 of the 4, or 4 of the 5)

- Collect Scottsboro questions

- If you need to make up Scottsboro, you can watch almost the entire video here (it is a playlist of the movie in 10 minute increments - part 4 has been deleted, but everything else is there)


- Bell Assignment: Free Write Friday!

- Collect bell assignments

- Collect discussion make-up paragraphs
- Begin reading To Kill a Mockingbird: read chapters 1 and 2 by Monday!

- Questions for chapters 1-3 here

- To Kill A Mockingbird full text

Week of 11/7-11/11


- Bell Assignment: Today’s Quote: “The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you.”  ~John E. Southard
What does the quote mean? Do you agree? Explain.
- Introduce verb phrases

- Complete exercise 7&8 on p. 9-10


- Bell Assignment (1st hour only): Develop 3 complete sentences. Each sentence should have the verb or verb phrase circled, the complete subject underlined, the simple subject double-underlined, and have the predicate in brackets ( [ ] ).

- Review work from exercises 5-8

- Complete exercise 9 in Heath Grammar and Comp book

- Introduce compound subjects and verbs


- Bell Assignment: Start a story or poem that includes the following words: general, timeless, crushing, puzzle

- Review exercise 9
- Introduce compound subjects and verbs - Complete exercise 10
- Introduce position of subjects


- Bell Assignment: Free Write Thursday

- Collect bell assignments

- Homework quiz over exercises 5-10 (3rd and 6th hour)

- Exercise 12 in grammar book: inverted order of subjects and verbs

- Will shift gears to To Kill a Mockingbird on Monday!


NO SCHOOL - Veteran's Day

Week of 10/31-11/4

- No bell assignment
- Computer lab day to revise personal narrative (only day all week to work on it) – final draft is due Friday 11/4!
- Wordwheels 15-21 due Friday 11/4!


- ONE extra credit opportunities

Teen Poetry Slam 11/3 – 7-8 pm at Edwardsville Public Library - show up and sign-in and you get 5 points EX. Show up and read work that is not your own, earn 10 points EC. Show up and read your own original work, earn 15 points EC!

- Bell Assignment: Why do we celebrate Halloween? Is there any good from it? Is there any bad from it? Should we continue to celebrate Halloween? Explain.
- Grammar pre-test – no grade associated with this test (just used to gauge where we are right now)



- Bell Assignment: Start a story or poem that includes the following words: extract, exact, illuminate, model

- Introduce the 8 parts of speech - will be covered in detail in the coming days

- Book that will be used in class is the Heath Grammar and Composition book

- Cover complete sentences vs. sentence fragments and introduce subjects and predicates. Also, understand the difference between simple and complete subjects (pages 3-6)

- Complete exercises 1,2


- Bell Assignment (1st hour only): Give us 2 examples of sentence fragments and 2 examples of complete sentences. 

- Review 8 parts of speech

- Finding complete and simple subjects

- Complete exercises 3 and 4 on p. 5-6

- Personal narrative due tomorrow!



- Bell Assignment: Free Write Friday

- Collect bell assignments and wordwheels

- Collect personal narratives

- Homework quiz over exercises 1-4

- Finding complete and simple predicates

- Complete exercises 5 and 6 on p. 7-8

Week of 10/24-10/28


- Bell Assignment: How much control do parents/guardians have over your life? Explain. Why might they influence you to live one way or another?

- Recap writing exercise from Friday – share completion
- Writing exercise - Witnessing a plane crash (model)

- "Juice Up" (show, don't tell) the following Halloween narrative:

I was only 5 when I had my first trick or treat experience. It was a cold night, and I was dressed as the red Power Ranger. I stayed in my neighborhood because my parents were worried about clowns. I went to every house with a Walmart bag and got lots of candy. I was walking back to my house when I saw a clown. It was my brother. Overall, it was a really fun experience. - Will check for completion tomorrow!

- TWO extra credit opportunities
1. Sectional XC meet this Saturday 10/29 – 1 & 2 pm! - show up, take a selfie to have proof of attendance, write a 1 paragraph recap of the event. Due to me on Monday! Can earn up to 10 points extra credit!
2. Teen Poetry Slam 11/3 – 7-8 pm at Edwardsville Public Library - show up and sign-in and you get 5 points EX. Show up and read work that is not your own, earn 10 points EC. Show up and read your own original work, earn 15 points EC!



- Bell Assignment (1st only): Read the following quote- “People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates.” - Thomas Szasz
What does the quote mean? Do you agree? Explain.

- Introduce personal narrative assignment -Begin the pre-writing – will be checked tomorrow for completion!
- Rough draft of personal narrative due Friday! - Typed version is encouraged but not necessary, but must be neat!


- Bell Assignment: Start a story or poem that includes the following words: belief, painless, grave, enrage
- Recap personal narrative assignment - Check for pre-writing completion

RAP “Tuesdays with Morrie” - Due tomorrow at the end of class!


- Bell Assignment (1st only): Based on everything we’ve covered in the past week or so, what is required in your personal narrative to make it successful? Explain.

- Work day for the following:

1. complete RAP: "Tuesdays with Morrie": due TODAY by end of the hour!

2. complete the personal narrative rough draft for peer reviews tomorrow

3. complete wordwheels for roots and affixes #8-14: due tomorrow


- Bell Assignment: Free Write Friday

- Collect bell assignments and wordwheels

- Peer reviews for personal narrative: must get at least 2 peer reviews done using this rubric

- Final draft for personal narrative is due Monday, November 7!

- REMINDER: Sectional XC meet extra credit is tomorrow!!

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